The Wealthy Are Still In On Real Estate

According to a recent report, Tiger 21, a large group of wealthy investors with combined net worth in excess of $75 billion, has been increasing it’s holdings in real estate. During the last quarter the share of their portfolios dedicated to real estate has grown 2%. Also of note, the cash on hand by this group has increased drastically in order to have liquid assets available. As seen in the graphic below, the groups largest piece of the pie, making up over a quarter, is in real...

Fannie Mae Condo Financing and Reserves

        Condos which are being financed   by Fannie Mae are subject to not only borrower qualification, but   also condominium association approval by the lender. The lender must   determine the association’s soundness by performing a condominium review of   the project.  There are two types of condo reviews; a full condo review and   a limited condo   review. The determination on when one review is used over the   other rests primarily on occupancy type and down payment. If the buyer is   purchasing a primary residence and is putting less than 25% down, or the   buyer is purchasing a second home and is putting less than 30% down, or the   buyer is purchasing an investment property, the purchase is subject to a full   condominium review. On the flip side, if the buyer is purchasing a primary  residence with at least 25% down or a second home with at least 30% down, the   purchase will be subject to a limited condo review. One of the biggest   differences in the two types of reviews is the lender’s responsibility to   analyze the Association’s budget and to see if it is setting aside sufficient   reserves for future replacements – in a full condo review, this is required,   in a limited condo review, this is not required. When determining if reserves are sufficient, the lender must review the HOA   projected budget to determine that it: is adequate (i.e., it        includes allocations for line items pertinent to the type of condo        project), and provides for the funding of       ...